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  • Alexander Fisken

Today is Day One

Updated: Apr 11, 2019

Today is day one.

I’ve been honoured to work alongside Matt and Andy at Hanami International for the past three and a half years. Hanami aims to be the best audit and risk recruitment firm in the world, and achieves that while treating people with honesty and respect. I’m so thankful for the opportunities I’ve been given and hope I’ve contributed during my time there.

But now my path diverges.

We live in an age where everything is digitalised and systematised. Our society is polarised, social media is used to cause offence, echo chambers create enemies of anyone with a different opinion. I fear we are losing sight of what matters.

I truly believe in the power of relationships. By talking to each other and taking the time to understand how we can serve one another, we can respect one another and change the world for the better. My ambition, and the reason I am starting this company, is to facilitate these conversations, beginning at work.

Emmanuel C. Ellis is named in honour of my grandfather, Sir Ellis Clarke. He believed in bringing people together, believed that we could discover opportunities and solve problems by communicating. So much of our life is spent in work, and enjoying our career can have such a positive impact on all areas of life including our health and happiness.

As such, E.C. Ellis will start by looking to curate quality professional relationships. The recruitment profession is dear to me, and I will continue to do my utmost to uphold the highest standards, serving candidates and clients as best I can. I want to create outstanding long term relationships which help both individuals and organisations to flourish. By doing this, I believe I can help in my own small facilitate great ideas and change. Today is day one.

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